Google Maps is a mobile map tool used by users around the world. You can navigate on Google Maps and quickly search for nearby hospitals, schools, parks, bus stops, subway stations, etc. with one click. It is very convenient to use.
Software Features
Take the bus or train with real-time transit information.
Support street view display
Equipped with Google Latitude and Latitude functions
Never miss a turn or exit with lane navigation.
Find stopping points along the way such as gas stations and cafes.
Automatically re-plan routes based on real-time traffic conditions, abnormal traffic conditions and road closures to save time.
Software introduction
Get to your destination faster with real-time traffic information and traffic maps
Find the fastest routes combining two-wheelers, metro, buses, taxis, walking and ferries.
Google Maps supports cycling, walking, and driving navigation, and automatically locates the current location. You only need to enter the destination and it will take you there.
It supports bus and subway inquiries, and friends without a car can also download and use it.